пятница, 30 октября 2009 г.

Adopting Good Writing Tactics for High Search Engine Rankings

Search engine optimization of the site is responsible for improving the accessibility of the site on the net. Article marketing is one of the tactics employed that enhances the ranking of the site. This is because a well written article contains a good and unique content which the search engine, ranks well. Writing a good content with SEO features is one of the good writing tactics that form the backbone of article marketing strategy in the present day internet marketing scenario.

Article Directories

When it comes to article marketing, the article directories provide a crucial leverage to boost the success rate of the article. Directories are the place where articles are submitted. It is a good writing tactics to submit articles to important directories like Ezine, Buzzle, Go Article, etc. These are well known to the search engines and the prospects of getting large and quality audience are very bright. It is important to check for the requirements and restrictions that these directories have and work accordingly.

Original Content

Search engines like to read unique and rich content. Such a content gets higher ranking hence it is important to submit original articles and should not be plagiarized. Duplicated or plagiarized articles are not accepted by directories. Good writing tactics lay stress on writing unique content and this is crucial for success of article marketing strategy.

Error Free Content

It is important to avoid making spelling and grammar mistakes as this reflects unprofessional attitude of the writer. Such errors are unacceptable and become the reason for rejection of an article by the directory. Before submission, the article should be thoroughly checked for mistakes.

Search Engine Optimized keywords

Keywords and key phrases play an important role in the success of article marketing strategy. Proper knowledge of SEO principles helps immensely to rank the site in the top ten. This translates to more audience and increase in sales. It is a good writing tactics to find the right keywords by properly researching on the likely words and phrases that might be used by the visitors for a particular site and article. Using keywords in the text links increases the traffic volume, manifolds. It is important, not to overdo the keywords because the article will then loose its SEO value. Hence proper use of SEO features is necessary for success of the article and this is also one of the good writing tactics of article marketing

Using Bulk Marketing Strategy

To increase the visibility and marketability of the article it is important to use email capture page that has links to the article. This email capture page captures and collects the data of the prospective buyers and stores it for later use. Synchronizing the email capture page with auto responder program is a good way to reach out to the potential customers quickly, without loosing precious time that can be well spent on doing other constructive activities. Beside this there are many software tools available that manage article marketing efficiently.

How To Write A Good Resume

Most people focus on their professional achievements and responsibilities, and they often skip these skills in favor of those that are job specific.

In other words, instead of listing your experiences by your job titles, your resume will contained sections titled by your skills such as verbal and written communication, customer satisfaction, project management, etc.

Make sure that your resume is properly formatted, and you are not trying to fit too much copy on a single page of paper.

Are there any other responsibilities you have listed that better support your career objective than the three you picked as the most critical to your job?

So much information goes into a resume;

you’ll want to let them know about the job you are applying for so that they know which qualifications they should highlight when they are contacted.

Do not list your personal web site.

Revise your resume until you feel comfortable that all the information included is truthful and will not raise any questions by the employer that you have not addressed in the resume or the cover letter.

Most commonly made mistake in resume writing is not prioritizing the information included, so you that your strongest skills fall at the bottom of the list.

Your first sentence doesn’t explain why you are contacting the company.

Listing hobbies and interests as they apply to the position you are applying for should be done under specific functional sections.

If you are unsure of the credibility of the site, do some research online and see what others have to say about it.

Avoid using a professional profile, or summary.

This style of the resume highlights what skills you have, rather than where and when you acquired or utilize them.

Make a note on your resume or in your cover letter that you can show such documentation upon employer’s request.

In addition, avoid using too many “big words.

The biggest mistake professionals make is not taking the time to address their cover letter to the appropriate person, such as the recruiter or the hiring manager.

Essentially you are convincing your potential employer that you are the best candidate for the internship, that you will learn the most and that the experience is critical for your professional growth.

Don’t forget to include any courses you may have taken as part of the training at a current or at a previous job.

Information such as ethnicity, marital status, sexual orientation, religious beliefs and affiliations, etc.

if you have extensive experience, limit the length of the resume to two pages, but only list experiences and skills relevant to your career objective.

However, don’t over use the same terms, or phrases, and don’t use jargon excessively.

Avoid using templates that are already available in Microsoft Word.

The most commonly made mistake in resume design include using templates that are already available in Microsoft Word.

if invited for an interview, you will want to appear very knowledgeable not only about their company, but about the industry as a whole.

Don’t go overboard on the font size either.

This section will include sub-headings as they relate to specific qualifications you want to promote, such as communications, customer relations, managements, etc.

Same school rules apply – do not copy someone else’s work.

However, make sure that your profile and your resume are posted on reputable sites, such as monster.

Do not use lengthy sentences and paragraph forms to disclose your experience and your education.

While descriptive of who you are, this information is not relevant to your potential employer in order to pre-screen your qualifications for their opportunity.

You want to assure that the resume doesn’t have any smudging, stains, or crumpling when you are handing it to your potential employer.

While you can describe your job responsibilities to your friends, listing them out in a resume and showcasing how your experience to date meets your career objectives is a very difficult task.

The best practice for listing your experiences is not to exceed the most recent five jobs you have held.

As a last formatting check point, ask your friends or your family for help in reviewing your resume.

we have to find ways to account for such publications on our resumes.

Above all, your resume must be honest.

While you may have the email editor which allows for this formatting, your potential employer may only accept plain text messages.

Thus, it is important to understand the difference between the two, as well as research which format is more preferred in the field of your choice.

If your resume contains grammar and spelling problems, your potential employer will get an impression that you are not detail-oriented.

Make sure to include a comprehensive list of all of your credentials on your resume.

You also must keep in mind that it is very likely your potential employer will print out your resume from a job search web site or from the message you sent expressing your interest in the job.

If you pick up a freelance project infrequently and do not intend to make this a full time career, you can omit any such experience from your resume.

This is critical.

The opposing side will argue the validity of this line as it doesn’t provide any information with a call to action;

Feel free to seek assistance from your school’s career center.

Additionally, it is helpful that the copy of the resume you bring in for an interview has a complete list of references.

Point out any cluster of courses you have taken in school that makes you qualified to teach a specific subject.

This includes your career objective and professional profile, and your current or most recent professional experience.

Your vigilance is sure to make a great impression and bring you one step closer to getting the job you want.

It is very important that your submission is on plain white paper, in basic font type and size.

Follow the AP style when listing your publication, omitting your name from the listing if you were the only author of the text, as that is implied.

Rally your friends or family for help, and send them sample emails with your resume included in the body of the message or as an attachment.

Don’t go overboard with bold, italicized, or large-cap text.

Trust and understanding will result in the best working relationship, therefore producing the best resume for your career objective.

The employability skills have been grouped in eight categories: • Communication skills • Teamwork skills • Problem-solving skills • Initiative and enterprise skills • Planning and organizing skills • Self-management • Learning skills • Technology skills Now that you have read the categories, you are thinking to yourself, yes, I have those skills.

com or hotjobs.

List the date when the certificate or license was obtained;

Demonstrate your passion, your commitment to education and your patience - and schools will be sure to take notice.

When listing your employment history, each job’s responsibilities should be listed in bullet point form, with each statement starting with an action word.

your cover letter or teaching philosophy should elaborate on your long term goals.

Generic statements, or statements indicating that you are interested in any open position with the company, make you appear unprofessional and unprepared.

There is not a single area in your resume that should have a font size of less than 10 points.

Here are three tips on making your resume unique to you: 1.

Your potential employer is more concerned with the look and content of your resume than with its length.

” The most common misconception of resume writing is that your entire professional history has to fit within one 8 ½”x11” page of white paper.

take the time to check for potential formatting changes.

This method can be a costly mistake for listing your professional experiences on your resume because it leaves all of the important and key qualifications at the bottom of the list.

As a rule, when printing out your resume, make sure to use white or ivory paper.

Most professionals make a mistake of focusing on experience and education only.

Reinforce your title, and sell only the experiences and skills that meet your career objective.

Such information should never be included in a resume, or any job application materials (even when asked on a job application, such information is optional and is for demographics study only).

Make your statements brief and clear;

Only include a work experience/work history section if you have held part time jobs while in school or have had internships you’d like your employer to know about.

Personal profile/summary should only contain a few well-written sentences that convey what you can bring to the table in terms of the specific job.

Do you have interest in becoming a department chair at a university?

• Font type and font size are very important for both your printed and electronic resume.

It is not necessary to list every job you’ve ever had to showcase your qualifications and years of experience.

The summary, as well as other parts of your resume, should not contain personal information that discloses ethnicity, sexual orientation, marital status, age, living situations, or any other personal information that is not directly related to your career.

Whether you are a nurse in a large hospital, or manage financial accounts at the small doctor’s practice, it is important to indicate to your future employer how many people you have dealt with on daily basis, and how you have addressed any concerns that arise from taking care of people in sensitive situations.

Focus on highlighting your skills and your education.

Tips on listing self-employment on your resume Being self-employed comes with many challenges – determining your niche, finding clients, having adequate insurance, hiring additional help, etc.

Indicate your skills in specific software programs, and don’t be shy about making your computer literacy known to your employer.

• DON’T save your resume as a PDF.

This is typically seen as amateur, and gives your resume less credibility.


while they may be helpful to mention to your potential employer via a cover letter, it is not necessary to take up space on your resume with information that is not directly impacting to your career.

Resume tips for teachers Whether you are new to teaching, are coming back to teaching after time off, or are leaving your corporate job for a teaching position, you will need to make sure that your resume and cover letter address the following four questions your employers may have: 1.

Addressing any formatting issues before your resume reaches the employer is ideal, so doing a couple of test runs will only assist in developing a winning final resume.

however, as a word of caution, do not quantify all statements, just one or two that are most critical to your job and are goal driven.

Additionally, do not have any lines in the resume that touch the text, as this will prevent the resume from being scannable.

Additionally, avoid addressing the letter to a job title.

To list the responsibilities you’ve had in your past professional experience, you are best off using bullet points that begin with action verbs, such as managed, developed, etc.

Log into the web site once every few months and update your profile and your resume if you are actively looking for a job (always provide most up-to-date contact information, even if you don’t have time to update the complete profile).

While your career objective tells your potential employer why you are applying for the job at their organization, your professional profile sells your expertise and convinces the employer that you are the best candidate for the job.

You are better off explaining the gaps in your resume than trying to cover them up.

Achievements, volunteer positions, publications and interests should only be listed if they apply to your professional work experience References should be listed if requested;

четверг, 29 октября 2009 г.

What Are You Willing To Give Up?

My grandmother always used to say, "With everything, there is something." (She also had many other colorful catchphrases too profane to repeat here.)

Grandma Wanda was right - there are tradeoffs inherent in everything. Sleeping in means you don't have time to read the morning paper. Eating too many McMuffins leads to increased odds of McMuffin Top spilling over your jeans. Going to law school means you don't get much fresh air for the better part of three years.

For the most part, life's tradeoffs are not unequivocally good or bad - they just are. But refusing to acknowledge this law of the universe can lead to a lot of frustration and wheel-spinning.

The only way to win the tradeoff game is to sit down and figure out what's really, really important to you - and what you're willing to give up to get it.

* Want to weigh less? You're going to have to come to terms with eating less and moving more.

* Want to earn more money? You may need to work more hours, charge more for your time, change jobs, or all of the above.

* Want to become a writer? You're going to have to find the time to write.

As far as that last one goes, finding the time to write is the absolute bare minimum of what you need to do. There's just no way around it. And that time is going to have to come from somewhere else - it could mean less TV time, less sleep time, or even less family time. If you have more specific writing goals, there are even more tradeoffs to contend with:

* Copywriting can be very lucrative, but it's a specific skill you're going to need to master through time and practice

* Magazine writing can be extremely competitive - you're going to need a thick skin and a willingness to keep submitting lots of queries in the face of repeated rejection

* If you want to be a novelist, you're going to need the stamina to finish the entire novel and get it as perfect as you can before you can even think about trying to get it published

* Essay writing can be very fulfilling, but few people are able to make a living solely from this sort of writing

My intention here is not at all to discourage you, but to simply impress upon you the importance of figuring out what you're really after - and what you're willing to give up to get it - before you set your writing goals for yourself. You're far more likely to achieve them if you do.

Stop Killing Your Book Dream With Lack of Focus!

Read this article and fuel the flame of your book dream again. This time dream a bigger dream. Dream after writing your book, you receive life long income that grows each month. You become a highly visible expert in your field. You gain added respect of your colleagues and peers because of your book. You receive increased income leveraged from higher fees charged. Your clients gladly pay them with book author as one of your titles.

Are you ready to revive your dream yet? Here are a few tips to help make all your book dreams come true:

1. Choose your book topic with care.

I recommend a subject you have passion for. I won't lie to you and say your book will write itself if you choose well. But it will make it a lot easier. You know, "Your book, your baby." Your book project becomes your brain child in a way. Make sure it's a topic you could enjoy now and for at least the next 3 years.

2. Write your book and keep your soul.

No, you don't have to sell your soul anymore to write a saleable book. Use the cumulative effect of doing a little bit at a time. Even so, unless you want it to take years to write, you must schedule writing time each week. For example, you could write 2 pages a day and have a short book in weeks.

3. Think solutions to your book readers' problems.

Your audience is looking for solutions to their problems. They are looking to you for encouragement to overcome their challenges. Mine your background, your files, and your speeches for the gold called your knowledge. Use speedy book writing techniques and finish your book faster to sell sooner.

4. Focus with a book intention plan.

Write a book writing and marketing plan. Educate yourself about book writing. Enroll or get resources like ecourses, books and Teleseminars. Invest in your book project. Use professional help with getting your cover design, book layout. Remember, book covers sell more books than any other element. Give your book the selling chance it deserves.

5. Write your book's vision statement.

Write it down and make it plain. Write when you'll complete it. Name specific outcomes you get after completing your book. For instance, envision yourself watching your bank balance grow from book sales. Write, "I see myself with increased income and more clients." Anyway you get the idea; create your vision statement including see, hear and feel.

6. Be patient with yourself on the book journey.

Set realistic expectations. If you think an hour here or a couple there will get your book done, rethink your commitment. Plan to fit at least 8-14 hours into your schedule to get your book done and out to the world. It may mean getting up in the wee hours of the morning or burning the midnight oil. Either way, know consistency will drive you and your book to a successful completion.

7. Go the extra mile to a successful book.

Persistent writers become successful authors. Don't give up. Take your dream out of the back seat. Bring your plans to the front. When you do what it takes to author your book, you can reap the rewards -expert status, increased fees, respect for your know how, fame that grows and many more opportunities that manifest.

Don't put it off any more. Take your dream off the shelf. If you wait, you can be this time next year without making your dream of writing a successful book come true. You have the knowledge and the solution. Now write it down. Your audience is waiting. Focus, use the tips above and write a book that sells well. Make it different. Make it count. Make it yours.

вторник, 27 октября 2009 г.

Writing Opinion Essay: The Process for Success

There are a lot of people who think that making money, online writing and selling ebooks are synonymous with each other. That may be the case for some. However, in the case of ebooks, the online writing part becomes the most important aspect here. Naturally, if there is no ebook to sell, then there is no way of making money through it. Writing an ebook would take considerably more effort than just writing a 500 affiliate marketing piece. There are a great number of writers who find this task a bit too daunting to undertake. Fortunately, there are ways and means to make the writing process a little less painful on the gut. Here are some ways to tackle those blank pages.

1. Your favored topic should come first and foremost. And this is where the problem begins for many writers. Some writers prefer to write about the current trends in the Web 2.0 world. Others prefer to write about something more obscure, but still relevant in a particular niche. Others simply prefer to echo the sentiments of past ebooks or make a compilation of similar Internet topics, and present these in one long format. Whatever you decide, you have to make sure that you will be willing to put in the research necessary to make the opinion essay topic both informative and entertaining. And to present it in such a manner that it is original, or at least, not infringing on the copyrights of other ebooks or books.

Choosing to write an essay topic you think will sell is a matter of choice. The bottom line here is still the research you are willing to do to complete that ebook.

2. When you begin writing your ebook, it would be ideal if you could break down the format in easy to read (and write!) chapters. This way, you can focus on one aspect of the topic more thoroughly than mashing everything together in one large lump. A word of advice: try to keep your written text within the actual scope and limitation of your topic's title. Or if you are doing things the other way round: make your ebook's title encompass the scope and limitations of your written text. Nothing defeats your ebook's effectivity than inadvertently or purposefully leading your readers to think they will be getting a specific topic when your literary piece has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at all.

3. Editing and proofreading can be a pain; especially if you have several ebooks under your open files at the moment. However, this step is more than important; this is crucial to your ebook's success. A sloppy looking ebook can very easily be splashed in other websites and made fun of (did you ever think of that?) However, the more grievous consequence of this is that your present subscribers may not want to buy more ebooks from you in the future due to your oversight. If indeed you find this process too tedious to do on your own, you could always hire a freelancer to do this work. Nonetheless, you would still need to edit and proofread the "final" draft of your work, so try not to slack off with this one. After all, it is your name (and sometimes, even your face) and your reputation on the line.

4. When the final draft comes rolling in, here is the best time to put the finishing touches to the ebook. Choosing book covers, blurbs, actual text formats, chapter divisions (if you want them) etc. are only to be done with the final draft. Try to go for a uniform look. If you want to add pictures, then this is the time to choose where to place those pictures and what captions they should have. If you have several running graphics on your pages, make sure they are relevant to the surrounding text. Less is more: that should be your mantra when it comes to decorative graphics.

понедельник, 26 октября 2009 г.

What Is Computer-Adaptive Testing?

The term "computerized adaptive testing," or CAT, defines itself fairly well by its three component words. It is a way of using computers to administer tests that adapt during the testing period to the test-takers' ability levels, based on their answers, the amount of time they take and other factors. It has also been called "tailored testing," but that term is becoming obsolete because of the short and sweet "CAT" acronym.

CAT is starting to make inroads into classrooms at all educational levels, although it is still used primarily in admissions-related testing such as the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT and LSAT. There are some developmental issues that must be addressed to make CAT work in small test populations, since accurate scoring requires relatively large samples. The minimum number for a sample, according to the Education Resources Information Center, is 1,000 students, but 2,000 is a common benchmark. This sample size makes locally developed tests difficult, often impossible, to create-at least at present. With all the time, energy and investment being allocated to CAT development, solutions to existing weaknesses could appear at any time.

How CAT developed

Computers generated excitement in some educators, and arched eyebrows in others, when the 1980s brought rapid increases in computer power at lower and lower price points. Within a decade it was clear that computer technology made test administration, scoring, individual and group analysis, data management, storage and score reporting more accurate and less time consuming, therefore less costly. Computer-based testing, even before it evolved into adaptive models, was clearly a superior way of doing things.

With the continuing advance of the technology (and continuing reduction in cost) educators became increasingly interested in performance-based testing, which requires that students demonstrate the capacity to use what they've learned. Test designers and education researchers realized that they had to develop new means of performance assessment. Some 20 years of research, development, trial and error has brought us to the point where CAT is firmly established in college-level placement examinations (SAT, GRE, etc.). There are also many non- and for-profit firms and organizations that deploy CAT in various ways to help test-takers prepare for their exam(s).

How it works

As the test-takers proceed through a CAT exam, the software adapts continuously to them and then, on the basis of performance on both present and previous items, selects the next question for presentation. If the test-takers do well on intermediate-level questions, the CAT program will assemble a set of queries at the advanced level. On the other hand, if the test-takers do poorly at the intermediate level, the program will revert to basic-level questions for the next set.

Essentially, CAT software is constantly working to achieve the proper level for each individual test-taker's optimum performance. After a "mathematically appropriate" number of questions have been asked and answered, the examination terminates when a test-taker's performance at a particular level is shown to the highest that can be sustained.

What are CAT's advantages?

In addition to the cost-effectiveness and other efficiencies mentioned above, CAT has many important advantages. These include, but are certainly not limited to, the following:

- CAT technology requires less time and fewer questions, compared to paper-and-pencil exams, to develop more accurate ratings of test-takers' proficiency.
- CAT scoring produces finer distinctions and more accurate assessments than can be derived from merely a total number of correct responses.
- The scoring algorithm does not just consider the number of correct answers, but the level and depth of correct answers. Test-takers that correctly answer more difficult sets of questions score better than those that correctly answer easier ones.
- By excluding questions outside test-takers' proficiency levels, CAT exams take less time, even than other computer-based exams.
- The challenge faced by test-takers is both reasonable and realistic, since the questions are neither too difficult nor too easy.
- Exam security is greatly enhanced by the fact that every test-taker is given unique sets of questions, which are not available before the test begins.
- CAT technology lets administrators give test-takers nearly instantaneous feedback on their performance.
- By storing test results on a computer, students' performance over a period of time or a sequence of exams can be tracked, analyzed and used by educators to assess student needs and remedial requirements for custom essay papers.

The future of CAT

You will pardon the pun, but this is one "CAT" that will have far more than nine lives. Because the technology is still advancing, CAT exams will become more and more uniquely tailored to each test-taker in the future. Testing will become not only more personalized custom essay writing, but the results will be far more instructive for both teachers and students.

As CAT software grows in sophistication, it will be able to mine more, and more focused, meaning from tests that used to give one-dimensional numeric scores or letter grades. The future promises test results that don't just yield a score, but provide enough information for educators to help students address their weak points and expand on their strengths. As far as the future of testing goes-watch out, here comes another pun-the CAT is out of the bag.

пятница, 23 октября 2009 г.

The Top 5 Teaching Tips

Education is one of the cornerstones of a child's future and the methods of teaching that are used will be instrumental in the absorption of the material being taught to a child. Teaching a child is a significant responsibility and requires both patience and dedication. If you are looking for ideas on how to effectively teach a child, follow these 5 tips:

1. Use Multiple Teaching Approaches

Children all learn in different manners. So, when you are working with your student, use a variety of approaches and activities for each session and each subject matter. Consider lectures, small group discussions, written assignments, videos or online trainings, and even art projects to teach.

2. Be Well Prepared

Teaching requires a substantial amount of preparation ahead of time. Ensure that you have well thought out lesson plans and activities that will engage the student in the learning process. Think about the message that you are trying to communicate and what you would like the student to learn during the session. Also, ensure that you have enough of the required materials and activities ready before you begin teaching.

3. Use Audio and Visual Aids Effectively

In addition to the written assignments and lectures, use audio and visual aids to help students with the comprehension of the materials. You can be creative with overhead slides, movies and the chalkboard to break up a lesson and to emphasize learning objectives. Not only will these materials help to make the lesson more interesting to the students, but it will also work to improve retention and understanding of the subject matter being taught.

4. Use Handouts and Homework

Handouts can be a way to help students to follow along with a particular lecture. Some students learn well with a partially completed handout that requires them to pay attention to what is being verbally communicated. Also, homework can be a great way to continue the learning process and to enhance retention of the material taught during the classroom session. Choose homework that will test understanding and that will add to the material that you taught earlier. Reinforcement of ideas will help to improve academic retention.

5. Check Consistently for Understanding

As you are teaching, be sure to check in with your student to ensure that they are understanding the materials. You can do this by asking open ended discussion questions, by engaging the students in group exercises or other interaction activities and by giving out short comprehension quizzes. Many students will not speak out if they don't understand a particular topic, so the more that you can check in for their understanding, the more effective you will be at teaching a subject matter.

четверг, 22 октября 2009 г.

9 Tips for Writing Effective News Releases

Have you been tasked with drafting news releases on your company’s behalf, and you don’t know where to begin? Creating an effective, informative and intriguing news release doesn’t have to be a challenge. Follow these 9 quick and easy news release tips to ensure success:

1. Make sure the length of your headline and body copies are not overwhelming. Headlines should be no more than 80 characters in length, including spaces, and body copy should be between 300 and 800 words.

2. Write professionally, and avoid hype, slang and excessive exclamation points.

3. Use real-life examples to show how your company solved a problem.

4. If you are running a new promotion this season, tell readers where they can go to learn more. Don’t give away all the secrets.

5. Blog posts should be reformatted into traditional news or press release style to be effective.

6. Use active voice. Verbs in the active voice bring your news release to life. For example, instead of “The Company was honored by the governor at the banquet” use “The governor honored the company at the banquet.”

7. Limit the number of Web page links in your news or narrative essay topics to 1 for every 100 words.

8. Using industry jargon in your news or press release is fine, as long as you include samples and definitions that will help those outside the industry understand.

9. Work with a company like PRWeb to help you communicate your news to customers, prospects, analysts and the media. They will also work with you to ensure you’ve written an effective news release.

среда, 21 октября 2009 г.

Free Articles on Education and many other topics

LIMS is an acronym for Laboratory Information Management Software, is a common software used in environmental, pharmaceutical and research institutions. It's a software to manage laboratory life, indeed with this tool it's possible not only to manage samples and standards, users and instruments, but also to send invoices, control the automation of the workflow, manage projects.

The current goal is to retain result achievement, elaboration, further decision and final review directly at the workplace, and not in the office. Indeed, all laboratory users can login and use this software, projects are organized by type, subtype, priority and other criteria and all information related are recorded within; moreover, also instruments can send data directly to LIMS that is configured to guarantee the traceability of the work. With LIMS it's possible to save time and money and improve rate and productivity: indeed, big inventories could be reduced or eliminated at all and researchers don't waste too much time to search data of previous experiments and so on.

Stem cell research is an exciting branch of science that quickly advances and provides data. In order to manage these data and facilitate the collaboration between institutions it could be reasonable the use of LIMS in the most upgraded version. The first feature that the software should have is to be user friendly because in one laboratory researchers could have different background and this difference could be more significant in more laboratories during a collaboration.

In order to communicate results or change samples or make common decisions, a software like LIMS 247 used in all labs could help to coordinate the work. Many techniques and protocols can be applied in stem cell research, from cellular biology to molecular biology to biochemistry; the use of special software, directly configured by researchers, can help to record workflows and data and trace them: this is the second important feature of a software that should be used in stem cell research.

Progress reports are also important during laboratory life, LIMS guarantees a secure mechanism for data reporting, always checked by the quality control system present in the software. We have presented one possible application of LIMS in research laboratories, but this software could be successfully employed also for the management of cell cultures and patients samples collected in hospitals. Again, to perfectly recorded every information about each sample -and when we work with patients the perfection is a must- it's possible to use LIMS. This software can help researchers to maintain the traceability of the samples and clinicians that can base their decisions on scientific data from the same samples.

This process could improve the results from regenerative medicine, in the case of stem cell research, but in all clinician departments could give a great hand. Modern science, specially stem cell research that is the future for medicine and biology, cannot exclude informational tools from its life: software like LIMS 247 from RURO Inc. could improve the quality of scientific works and increase the data and publications productivity and the quality of the clinical services for patients.