There are a lot of people who think that making money, online writing and selling ebooks are synonymous with each other. That may be the case for some. However, in the case of ebooks, the online writing part becomes the most important aspect here. Naturally, if there is no ebook to sell, then there is no way of making money through it. Writing an ebook would take considerably more effort than just writing a 500 affiliate marketing piece. There are a great number of writers who find this task a bit too daunting to undertake. Fortunately, there are ways and means to make the writing process a little less painful on the gut. Here are some ways to tackle those blank pages.
1. Your favored topic should come first and foremost. And this is where the problem begins for many writers. Some writers prefer to write about the current trends in the Web 2.0 world. Others prefer to write about something more obscure, but still relevant in a particular niche. Others simply prefer to echo the sentiments of past ebooks or make a compilation of similar Internet topics, and present these in one long format. Whatever you decide, you have to make sure that you will be willing to put in the research necessary to make the opinion essay topic both informative and entertaining. And to present it in such a manner that it is original, or at least, not infringing on the copyrights of other ebooks or books.
Choosing to write an essay topic you think will sell is a matter of choice. The bottom line here is still the research you are willing to do to complete that ebook.
2. When you begin writing your ebook, it would be ideal if you could break down the format in easy to read (and write!) chapters. This way, you can focus on one aspect of the topic more thoroughly than mashing everything together in one large lump. A word of advice: try to keep your written text within the actual scope and limitation of your topic's title. Or if you are doing things the other way round: make your ebook's title encompass the scope and limitations of your written text. Nothing defeats your ebook's effectivity than inadvertently or purposefully leading your readers to think they will be getting a specific topic when your literary piece has absolutely nothing to do with the topic at all.
3. Editing and proofreading can be a pain; especially if you have several ebooks under your open files at the moment. However, this step is more than important; this is crucial to your ebook's success. A sloppy looking ebook can very easily be splashed in other websites and made fun of (did you ever think of that?) However, the more grievous consequence of this is that your present subscribers may not want to buy more ebooks from you in the future due to your oversight. If indeed you find this process too tedious to do on your own, you could always hire a freelancer to do this work. Nonetheless, you would still need to edit and proofread the "final" draft of your work, so try not to slack off with this one. After all, it is your name (and sometimes, even your face) and your reputation on the line.
4. When the final draft comes rolling in, here is the best time to put the finishing touches to the ebook. Choosing book covers, blurbs, actual text formats, chapter divisions (if you want them) etc. are only to be done with the final draft. Try to go for a uniform look. If you want to add pictures, then this is the time to choose where to place those pictures and what captions they should have. If you have several running graphics on your pages, make sure they are relevant to the surrounding text. Less is more: that should be your mantra when it comes to decorative graphics.
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